Speedofixer dial conversion services - KMH to MPH


Important notes on taking photos:

  1. Capture Day photo - capture warning light/icons shapes (eg hand brake sign) showing - ensure ignition is on but engine not started 
  2. Handbook - if available showing instrument diagram illustration
  3. Photograph both sides of speedometer speed and rev counter
  4. See photos below using camera  flash to capture shapes ( some shapes are not easy to see)
  5. Remember to send the:  car make , model ,  year of manufacture and fuel type 
  6. See photos below of how some speedo dials look and what we need 


Try to capture as many signs/ shapes  that illuminate  when you turn on the ignition , this is not always easy as some only show for a few seconds so you may have to take several photos or send us a short video via whatapp . Sometimes it helps to use a flash as this can make more shapes visible.


We need to be able to clearly see any shapes that illuminate  eg seat belt, hand brake,engine

full beam etc that illuminate when you turn the key.



Remember to add your name , phone no. , car make model year and a VIN no.

We will come back to you with a price and availability


Please read terms and conditions regarding quotations that we send you here


Some examples from a VW golf below(models vary) be aware that in the photo

not all the shapes have been captured and can be difficult to see even in the day time.























The handbook may show all the items and hidden shapes























Photo below shows a VW dial - sunlight helps to show shapes


















Below: using camera flash on VW Golf to capture hidden icons that are

not easily visible - we need tro see all this . Shine a torch at it and photograph

or a phone flash may also do the trick


import kmh tp mph